I should have posted this last week as it was meant as promotion for the gig I just did in Paris but I didn’t get round to it. Sonotown asked me for an exclusive podcast to promote the gig I played for them with Slugabed at New Morning Paris on the 21st Oct. The mix features new exclusives from Huess, 1000names and myself, and some new releases from ARP.101, Jonti eLan, etc. Click here to check the podcast – you can stream or download. Incidentally the New Morning venue was great and we had a ball playing there.
This weekend we are playing in Poland (Friday – w/ Young Montana) and Switzerland (Saturday – w/ Paris Suit Yourself etc) and since both events have video flyers made for them, I’m going to let them do the talking:
Coast2Coast #3 from ozgdesign on Vimeo.
la grande bumm vol.15 trailer from Korsett on Vimeo.