

    My first ever 7″ single is currently at the pressing plant and will be released next month on Coco Bryce’s label MYOR (who have previously released records from Slugabed, KRSUR, Slow Hand Motem and Coco Bryce himself). Until the July release, you’ll just have to watch this little video for it.

    The 7″ and digital download both come with an excellent remix by Spanish skwee daddy NiƱo (fresh from opening Sonar 2011 and a big release on the Donky Pitch label). You can here snippets of both tracks over at Coco Bryce’s blog, 20 Shot Sequence or in his Soundcloud stream below. Artwork by Studio Flying Colours.

    Kelpe – Same New Era – Snippets by cocobrycebeats

    And for what it’s worth, here’s Soundcloud stream of the full title track, without the silly video:

    Same New Era by Kelpe

     June 26th, 2011  kelpe

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