Slightly late to post this on here, but I really like this video that Diagram Design made for the last single ‘Beaks of Eagles’. Diagram Design are a Tokyo based design and video production house established in 2006, notably known in the music world for their fantastic official videos for Goth Trad’s ‘Cut End’ on Deep Medi, plus Teebs & Jackhigh’s ‘Rains’ on Svetlana Indsutries. They specialise in an organic style of highly syncopated animation, sometimes mixed with live action footage. This video for ‘Beaks of Eagles’ follows the psychedelic flight of an origami eagle across beautiful sunset skies before it bursts into multitudinous fragments of colour.
KELPE – Beaks of Eagles (Official Video by Diagram Design) from Drut on Vimeo.
That single is available digitally from Bandcamp, complete with a Fulgeance remix (see below).
The LP is out tomorrow, here is the Bandcamp page for buying digital or CD, for vinyl head to Juno.
And here’s the live dates for the coming months:
Friday 14th June – LP RELEASE PARTY W/ SHIGETO, London
Saturday 6th July – Flacon, the Cube, Moscow (Russia)
Saturday 20th July – Soundwave Festival, Tisno (Croatia)
Sunday 21st July – Soundwave Festival, Tisno (Croatia)
Friday 2nd August – Peckham Palais, London
Friday 9th August – Lethargy Festival, Zurich (Switzerland)
Friday 8th Nov – Festival Musiques Volantes, Nancy (France)
Saturday 9th Nov – Rewire festival, The Hague (Holland)