
  • Three brand new Autumn Remixes

    Here’s a bunch of official remixes that have all just recently come out, one of which is a free remix at XLR8R

    First up, Chris Ward AKA Tropics got me to rework the lush and poppy Pop Up Cinema, the title track from his first outing on Svetlana Industries. This will be appearing on the vinyl which can be ordered now.

    Secondly, I remixed dEbruit’s “Cri”, my favourite track from his LP “From The Horizon” which appears on a remix EP (vinyl and digital on Civil Music) along with LV, Mweslee and Fulgeance.

    Lastly, Fulgeance has a new LP out on Rx:Tx which has some of the nicest packaging I’ve ever seen on a CD! The last track on the CD is my reworking of the title track Step Thru.

     November 7th, 2012  kelpe

  • Videos from recent Squarepusher support

    I recently got to support Squarepusher in my home borough at the Hackney Empire, with Chris Walmsley on drums. Here’s a couple of video clips from the night – one camera is my own that I left filming on the stage and the footage superimposed with a friend’s who happened to be filming at the time from up in the seats. There wasn’t any proper audio recording so it’s just the slightly distorted / muffled sound off the camera mic I’m afraid.

    Totally looking for some more bookings so if you’re feeling it hit music@kelpe.co.uk or sinan@elasticartists.co.uk

     November 7th, 2012  kelpe


    I recently did a mix for Ninja Tune’s Solid steel radio, featuring plenty of new and unreleased music from Chesslo Junior, Naive Machine, Cid Rim, Coco Bryce and the like.

    Here it is:

     October 29th, 2012  kelpe


    Finally I can say that my new record “Bags of Time EP” is out on digital and physical format, ie. a 12″ record. There were some big delays at the manufacturers but it’s here now.

    You can stream the whole EP below and click here or the pic below to order the record with a free download included. Artwork again by the excellent Rimrimrim.

    Bags of Time EP (OUT NOW!) by Kelpe

    “a charming plate of squashed disco… this might be Kel McKeown’s most striking set to date” BOOMKAT

    “Kelpe’s thickly produced stew seems to work over whatever template he drapes it on. Plus Neon Jung’s remix of the eponymous track is actually brilliant.” DJ MAGAZINE

     October 29th, 2012  kelpe

  • Table Tennis inspired mix for Oki-Ni

    I’ve just done a table tennis inspired mix of music for clothing brand Oki-Ni. The mix includes Stereolab, Aphex Twin, Can, Faust, Deadboy, Flying Lotus, Brokenchord’s remix of Radiohead, plus one of my own tracks and more. Click the image below to listen to the mix:

     August 17th, 2012  kelpe

  • Bags of Time EP

    I’m pleased to announced that I’ll be releasing a follow up to the now sold out “I Felt Fuzzy” EP on Svetlana Industries. The new EP is entitled “Bags of Time” and features 3 new original tracks and a smashing remix from Neon Jung of Magic Wire fame. You can see some artwork below by Rimrimrim and check one of the cuts “City”. None of the three original tracks will feature on my upcoming LP and are quite different in mood to what I’ve been working on for the long player. The vinyl is pressed loud as f*ck this time, by Shane at Finyl Tweek. The vinyl edition will be out on the 24th of September and the digital will follow on the 1st of October.

    City by Kelpe

     August 8th, 2012  kelpe

  • Live POV videos

    I recently got a GoPro camera and decided to try it out by strapping it onto my head and running through a couple of my tracks, live at home.

    Not 100% perfect, but gives you a good view of what’s going on:

     June 27th, 2012  kelpe

  • Free Midsommar Track, New podcast for URB Magazine

    As the summer solstice co-incided with me reaching 5000 Soundcloud followers I decided to share a track for free on Soundcloud called Midsommar. Listen and download below:

    I also recently did a mix / podcast for URB.com and you can download it HERE or by clicking the logo below.

    Here is also a streaming version:

     June 27th, 2012  kelpe